
Supporting RVT

Rother Valley Together receives funding through a range of sources:

We are a small, local charity providing an essential service to older, vulnerable people in  Midhurst and the surrounding parishes. Financially we are entirely dependent on our own fundraising efforts and the generosity of the community.

The club with the help of its members, volunteers and staff raises funds throughout the year holding regular raffles, managing stalls at various community events and organising special activities such as community quizzes.

We are very appreciative of donations received from individual supporters and community organisations, including parish councils. We have also had successes in our funding applications, including with the Sussex Community Foundation Trust. However, our independent community club continues to rely both on the generosity of our local community and on attracting new and additional sources of funding to ensure its future. In these difficult times it is even more essential that RVT can continue its support to vulnerable older people in our community. The donations we receive make a huge difference in helping us alleviate loneliness and isolation.  All funds raised go directly to providing services and support to our members.

If you can make a donation – large or small – either as a one off or regular payment – then please use the ‘donate’ button below which directs you to our Just Giving page.

Alternatively for further information contact the RVT Manager on 07957 405959 or email